
Green Sense No Air Con Night 2019

Green Sense “No Air Con Night” is an annual energy saving event that aims to promote green practices and encourage people to bear the responsibility as a member of the earth village.

Due to the uncertainty affected by the prohibition on Face Covering Regulation and the Emergency Regulations Ordinance, the Day and Night of No Air Con cum ceremony will be cancelled. Still the “No Air Con Night 2019″ will be continued.

Until 6pm on 4th Oct, over 80 thousand households are pledged to join the “No Air Con Night 2019. 13 Universities and Higher Education Institutes, 303 schools (56 secondary schools, 120 primary schools and 127 kindergartens) take part in No Air Con Night. There were thousands of teachers and students pledged to act greener. Some schools also held different kinds of energy saving activities during this week in response to this campaign.

The 10th No Air Con Night is also supported by 243 companies and organizations which promote this campaign to their staff. Nearly 1000 buildings also encourage residents and tenants to join. Some property management companies are to turn off the air con at some areas of buildings and estates tonight.

Green Sense encourages participants to rethink the usage of air con, by turning it off at home at least for one night. All of us should also be more considerate to others as well as plants and animals, before each and every action. We will continue to strive for a greener and righteousness city together.
