Green Sense No Air Con Night 2021
The “12th No Air Con Night” is on 8th October, 2021 (Friday). This annual energy saving event aims to promote green practices and encourage people to bear the responsibility as a member of the earth village.
Easing global warming starts with a simple action! We are happy to announce that, until yesterday (6th Oct 2021) 12:00, over 70 thousand households have signed up for “No Air Con Night 2021”! This year, with the significant support from 11 Universities and Higher Education Institutes, and 316 Schools (including 59 Secondary Schools, 110 Primary Schools and 147 Kindergartens), thousands of students, staff and parents have the chance to understand the importance in saving energy and the practice of green lifestyles. Some schools also held different kinds of energy saving activities in response to this campaign.
Moreover, 224 companies and organizations have pledged to join “No Air Con Night 2021”. Over 1300 buildings and housing estates have called for the support from their colleagues, residents and tenants, and some of the property management offices to turn off the air con. They posted No Air Con Night posters and display the paperless promotion on the e-panels.
It is our honour to gain the generous support from the Hong Kong Observatory and Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, and having dozens of Government departments and related organizations, such as Architectural Services Department, Buildings Department, Civil Aid Service, Drainage Services Department, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, Estate Agents Authority, Government Property Agency, Hongkong Post, Labour Department, Lands Department, Planning Department, to actively promote our event to their Civil Servant teams.
We are also grateful to have Futou Annie perform a “No Air Con” theme song, from her famous song “夏日熱辣辣” with lyrics re-written. This theme song will soon be published on our social media platforms; other celebrities of different sectors have supported “No Air Con Night”, including:
- Dr. CHENG Cho Ming (Director of HK Observatory)
- Mr. LAM Chiu Ying (Former Director of HK Observatory)
- Mr. LEUNG Wing Mo (Former Assistant Director of HK Observatory)
- Mr. Vincent NG Ka Him (Freelance Journalist)
- Miss Cecilia CHOI (Actress)
- Mr. MOK Ho Kwong (Founder of Natural Network)
More about the participation list:
This year, in order to link the use of air con with the outdoor temperature, we encourage the general public to pledge for turning off the Air Con when the outdoor temperature is below 27 degree (Celsius). After the mid-Autumn Festival, the average nighttime temperature was lower than in the summer. Therefore we promote to turn off the air con when the outdoor temperature is cooler.
Previously a writing competition for Primary School students about “A week without Air Con” was launched, which allowed all of us to rethink the use of air con in daily life. We should wisely use the air con responsibly, in order to save energy and to mitigate global warming. Totally there were nearly 300 writings received, with creative ideas about keeping cool at home in summer. The key message from many of them was “Stay Calm and Cool”.
In the past 9 years, we have host a “No Air Con Night” ceremony in an outdoor air-con-free venue. Even we cannot host a ceremony due to the pandemic for the 2nd year, we believe more and more people value fresh air and air-con-free outdoor environment in the era of mask-wearing.
We thank all of you to turn off the air con and cool the Earth together! Please continue to support the “No Air Con Night” and sustain in the wise use of energy!
More details about the event: