
Green Sense “Monthly Green” 1 April City Tree Tour

Green Sense “Monthly Green” City Tree Tour was successfully held last Saturday (1 April). Participants enjoyed the fine weather with the informative tour about “Greening Master Plan” led by professional arborist Ms. Teresa So.

Back in 2011, Greening Master Plan (GMP) was first developed by the Government in the New Territories, and extended to all densely populated districts. Vast sums of 350 million was proposed to the Legislative Council in 2014 for the plans.

The tour started at the public area on the podium of IFC, Central. In viewing the implementation of the Central GMP, participants hovered around the Central Pier area. The greening practices,  the identification of different management departments  and the suitable species of urban trees were introduced.

More about GMP: http://www.cedd.gov.hk/tc/greening/

Please stay tuned for the next “Monthly Green”!

Highlights can be viewed at the photo gallery: https://flic.kr/s/aHskXdXbFM
