
Green Transport Survey 2022 Findings

The government is committed to achieving carbon neutrality in Hong Kong by 2050, and the promotion of green transport is one of the main policy directions. Increasing the proportion of citizens using the mass transit system and getting drivers to switch to electric vehicles are important.

Green Sense conducted an online questionnaire survey from June to July 2022, and a total of 503 valid questionnaires have been successfully collected. As the residence of respondents is similar to the result of 2021 Population Census, the survey was not weighted. After data analysis and comparison, here are the following key points:

1. The higher the need to transfer, the higher the proportion of driving

Nearly 40% of the respondents need to take more than one trip to their destination. For the districts with a higher transfer ratio, such as Tai Po, Yuen Long and Island District, respondents also have a higher driving ratio than average. We believe it is related to the insufficient public transport services in some rural areas.

To find the citizens’ transport demands, we recommend the Transport Department and public transport operators conduct regular passenger demand surveys.

Figure 1: Trips required to the destination

2. 70% drivers consider switching to electric vehicles (EVs), but are unwilling to pay extra price

More than 70% gasoline vehicle drivers considered switching to electric vehicles, mainly because the cost of charging is lower than fuel and the government’s incentive policies.

However, more than half of the drivers are unwilling to pay the extra price to buy an electric car after considering the government’s incentive policies, such as first registration tax concession arrangement. Only less than 20% of the drivers are willing to pay 25% or more of the car price.

We suggest continuing the “One-for-One Replacement” Scheme and the scheme should be improved. For example, a greater discount for the replacement of a gasoline vehicle with a longer license period may be desired.

Figure 2: Percentage of extra cost drivers willing to pay for EVs

3. The cost of charging is lower than fuel is the main factor of consider switching to EVs

Over 95% of drivers agree the lower cost of charging is an attractive factor of consider switching to EVs. Sufficient number of charging stations provided by car parks is another factor of consideration.

We recommend the numbers of chargers in future development areas and redevelopment projects should be increase. The installation of fast chargers is important for the drivers.

The undersupply of power is the main  difficulity of charging installation in old area. We recomment the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) can review and improve the power supply when the redevelopment projects start.

Figure 3: Factors to consider switching to EVs

 . Over 90% of citizens support green public transport, but a quarter of them refuse to pay more

Over 97% of respondents support green public transportation. As green transport is somehow cost more, we also investigated whether the respondents are willing to pay extra fares to cover the cost. However, about a quarter of respondents are unwilling to pay extra costs, about 40% is only willing to pay less than $1. In the EU, France and Germany finance green transport with green bond fund. For example, providing monthly transportation tickets to civil servants, railways development, promote water-borne transport, etc.

We also suggest the government may use green bond funds to improve public transport service and provide discount for public transport users.

Figure 4: Extra fares citizens willing to pay for Green Public Transport

5. Respondents mainly travel by railways, followed by bus and minibus, walking and cycling only account for about 5%

Respondents mainly travel by railways, followed by bus and minibus, walking and cycling only account for about 5%. The discussions on “zero-carbon transportation” mainly focus on railways and buses recently. Green minibuses should also be considered.

The charging spots for minibuses should be considered in the future development areas and redevelopment projects, such like the design of the Kwun Tong Urban Renewal Project.

Figure 5: Proportion of respondents using various modes of transportation

Some suggestion on environmental and transport policy will be proposed in our final report. The report will be shared to related government departments.

We will keep a closer contact the transport companies to seek for their need. To understand the needs of drivers for EVs, we have planned to start another detail survey for the drivers. The Green Transport Survey will be conducted regularly in the future.

We will also continue to promote green transport and the use of mass transport to the public.

